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- F L E X I - C A T 1 2 8
- Program and Text by Rich Hamill
- So you've had your C-128 for a while now and you're comfortable with
- it and the programs you use all the time. You've acquired more disks than
- you ever thought you'd have. They have come from all corners of the
- universe: LOADSTAR, friends, Gazette, RUN... Now you want (or need) a
- program that you know you have on one of them. Maybe it's a financial
- program that will give you a leg-up when you talk to that car salesman, or
- a childrens' game for when your sister brings her eight-year-old over for a
- visit. You look at all those boxes with all those disks. How are you ever
- going to find what you want? Don't despair...Let FLEXI-CAT 128 find that
- program for you.
- FLEXI-CAT 128 is a disk cataloging system that picks up where others
- leave off. It is a program that will catalog, edit, sort, find and print-
- out all your disks. It will search any and all files on a data disk
- automatically and send the matches to the screen, printer or disk drive.
- Each data disk handles seven files of 1000 entries, or 33,000 characters
- per file on a 1571 or 1581 disk drive (see system requirements).
- FLEXI-CAT 128 is really several programs in one. The Cataloging
- Section feeds in the programs, either manually or automatically to the data
- base. Then the File Editor Section takes over and does what you want it to
- do. You can even change the defaults within the data base to suit your own
- needs. There's also a file UTILITY PROGRAM that can easily split or
- combine files, without disturbing the original file.
- Take time to read the entire reference manual. There are suggestions
- on how to set up a file, disk numbering and some key commands that do not
- appear on screen.
- A great deal of effort has gone into the writing and form of this
- program. After you use FLEXI-CAT 128 for a while, you will rely on it to
- find any of those programs that you want to find...when you want to find
- them.
- ---------------
- 1. Commodore 128 or Commodore 128D
- 2. 80 column RGB monitor.
- 3. Two disk drives, or 1541/1571/1581 emulation partitions in a CMD
- device.
- Note: 1571's or 1581's are best, but 1541's will work with slower access
- time. Only 4 full files will fit on each 1541 data disk.
- 4. Commodore compatible printer or interface capable of Commodore 1525
- mode emulation.
- 1. You should copy all of the FLEXI-CAT 128 files to a formatted disk
- with plenty of disk space. The LOADSTAR 128 Copy It feature will copy the
- files from the LOADSTAR 128 disk for you. For best results don't have any
- non-FLEXI-CAT 128 files on the disk.
- 2. Make sure the 40/80 column switch on the computer is down.
- 3. Insert FLEXI-CAT 128 program disk in your chosen drive and enter
- RUN"FLEXI-CAT 1284",u(dv) where dv is the drive number
- 4. At the "File Editor" or "Cataloger" window, select "File Editor" if
- you need a disk formatted.
- 5. Enter the date. Note: This date will be used when files are printed
- out.
- ------------------------------
- FLEXI-CAT 128 uses SEQuential files for data storage. Along with the
- data, each file contains the field headings, field lengths and number of
- entries for each file. For this reason a file must be in memory before the
- file name, headings or field lengths can be changed using "Configure" on
- the File Editor main menu.
- Formatting is done through the File Editor's main menu. F8 selects the
- formatting option. When the disk is finished formatting, you have two
- options: ESCape will exit to the main menu, while RETURN will write ten
- default files to the disk.
- For your convenience and to avoid having to "configure" each file
- separately, ten files with sequentially numbered file names and preset
- headings and field lengths will be written to the data disk after
- formatting, if requested by the user. The default files use field lengths
- of 17, 4, 6, 17, 27 for fields 1 to 5 respectively. The headings are
- "Program Name", "Cat" (category), "Disk#", "Disk Name", and "Comments".
- Note: The first 4 field lengths are one more than needed to help make the
- report printout readable. If you need more comment space decrease fields
- 1, 2, and 4 by one space.
- The File Editor and Cataloger will read the first ten directory entries
- from any disk into the "Select File" menu. Therefore, it is recommended
- that you DO NOT save files to other disks because you may not be able to
- access them. If you do by mistake, copy the file(s) onto a FLEXI-CAT 128
- data disk that contains NO default files.
- File names, field headings, and report titles are in upper/lower case.
- Data in the fields use upper case so they are consistent with most disk
- directories. When these fields are being accessed, a keyboard entry
- routine allows most of the characters except "," (comma) and cursor
- controls. Since Commodore DOS does strange things to fields with only
- spaces, the routine also puts a "-" (dash) if only a space or carriage
- return is entered. DO NOT enter a field or heading with only spaces. It
- may corrupt your file when it is loaded the next time. See "Disk
- Numbering" for important caution on using the letter "e" in disk numbers.
- There are 5 fields per file that must be defined to a field length from
- 1-40 and have a minimum of one character for the heading. If you use the
- File Editor in the manual entry mode only, the headings and lengths can be
- defined any way you wish. There are 71 spaces available per entry to be
- used in the five fields.
- Note: The Auto Cataloging option places information in certain fields and
- needs a minimum field length for these fields.
- Necessary Settings (Auto Cataloging)
- Field # Minimum Length Suggested Heading
- ---------------------------------------------
- 1 16 Program Name
- 2 3 Cat (Category)
- 4 16 Disk Name
- Optional Settings:
- Field # Suggested Length Suggested Heading
- ----------------------------------------------
- 3 5 - 7 Disk #
- 5 All remaining Comments
- (See explanation of default file settings)
- FLEXI-CAT 128 allows a maximum of 1000 entries provided the available
- memory has not been exhausted. Under actual conditions you can get 900-950
- entries with only a few or no comments. Adding many comments can reduce
- the entries to 500-600, especially if you use long descriptions. Try
- entering 500 programs with only a few comments and then use the File Editor
- to add more details to the comment field. If memory is still available,
- add more programs. A print-out of the file with handwritten comments is
- another alternative.
- -----------------------
- CRSR UP/DOWN highlights option. RETURN selects.
- F1/F3 - Displays current drive directory in main menu. "No Scroll" key
- pauses display.
- F8 - Used to format data disk.
- "Manual Add" allows individual entries for each program. This should be
- used when entering copy protected disks. To add programs follow the
- prompts.
- This option displays the file name, number of entries, percentage (%)
- memory used, and headings. The first 15 entries are listed by line number
- followed by the options line.
- Note: The File Editor does not track an entry by a record number. The
- numbers next to each entry are for reference only. When the file is
- sorted, any or all entries could have different line numbers.
- RETURN and SHIFT/RETURN - Step forward/backward 15 entries at
- a time.
- First (F) - Displays the first 15 entries in a file.
- Last (L) - Displays the last 15 entries in a file.
- Goto (G) - Displays 15 entries beginning with the line # entered.
- Edit (E) - Three options are available:
- 1. Change (C) - Follows the same format as manual catalog in the
- "Manual Catalog" option.
- 2. Change field # (1-5) - Brings up only the field # requested.
- i.e. #1...Program Name.
- #2...Cat (Category)
- #3...Disk Number
- #4...Disk Name
- #5...Comments
- The "Change" and "Change Field #" options will allow information to be
- added to an entry even if the memory used is above 100%. This is done so
- that "MINOR" corrections and additions can be made to an otherwise full
- file. DO NOT try to add more than 5% to a file in this manner. Program
- performance will slow, and may even crash the program.
- 3. Delete (D) - Displays the entry and then prompts:
- "Are you sure? y/n"
- After an entry is deleted, all entries with a line number higher than the
- one deleted will have lower numbers.
- Note: Any line in the file can be edited or deleted. You are not limited
- to just the 15 entries on screen.
- Insert (I) - Used to add an entry, such as divider in the middle of the
- file.
- Move (M) - Allows an entry to be moved to another location in the file.
- Copy (C) - Used to make duplicate entries in a file (i.e. dashed
- separators)
- Search (S) - Simplified version of the main search function for "entries
- in memory". Screen output only.
- Print (P) - Two options are available:
- 1. Entire file - Prints every entry in the file.
- 2. Selected range - Prints user defined start/end line numbers.
- Note: Both options ask for a report title up to 30 characters and if you
- want line numbers. (Line #s are for reference only)
- "Printed on (date)" will appear below the title.
- ESCape - Exits edit/print and returns to main menu.
- The File Editor performs an alpha/numeric sort in ascending order on
- fields 1, 2, 4, and 5. Field 3, "Disk#", is sorted numerically in
- ascending order. Any alpha character in front of the disk# will cause the
- sort to be incorrect. Since the computer uses "e" for exponential numbers,
- it's best not to use that letter in Field #3.
- Note: It is suggested that you keep the original file unsorted and have
- another disk with sorted files.
- Files are first scratched, then resaved with the file name that is
- currently in memory. Save with replace is not used. If a file is changed,
- a prompt "Data Changed" will remind you that the file has to be resaved
- before selecting another file or exiting the File Editor. "Save" also
- checks to see if the file was sorted. You may find it better to keep
- original files and sorted files on separate disks.
- This option might be a little confusing until you become familiar with
- the procedure. The first thing needed is the item for which you are
- searching. At the prompt, enter from 1 to 40 characters. (It may scroll
- onto the next line, which is ok.) Next, select the field you want to
- search.
- Two types of searches are performed depending on your answer to "Search
- for?":
- 1. A single character causes the search option to check only the first
- character in fields 1, 2, 4, and 5. This will enable only programs
- beginning with "A","B","C", etc. to be located in any or all files on the
- data disk. Field 3 will have every position checked because some disk
- numbers may contain an alpha suffix.
- 2. Two or more characters will check every position in the selected
- field. You can locate every occurrence of say, "DISK", no matter where it
- appears in the field.
- Search with Replace:
- After selecting the field, you have the option of "Search with
- Replace". This option will only search the file in memory. When a match
- is found the following prompt will appear:
- "Replace" (item found) "with" (replace item) "?...y/n". "ESC. to exit"
- IMPORTANT NOTE: The entire field is replaced; not just the word or phrase
- for which you are searching.
- Holding ESCAPE during the search will exit to the main menu.
- Regular Search:
- Pressing any key other than F6 at the "Search with Replace" prompt will
- enter the regular search option. If the file has been changed a "Data
- Changed" warning will remind you that the file should be saved before
- searching other files.
- Regular search has three output options:
- 1. Screen
- 2. Printer
- 3. Drive 8 file
- Next, select the file(s) to be searched. The files selected will be
- displayed in the right window. When you have the file(s) you want, select
- "Done". An "OK..y/n" prompt makes sure everything is correct before
- proceeding.
- When output to the printer or drive 8 is selected, a prompt for a "Report
- Title" or "File Name" will appear.
- The File Editor will automatically load the selected file(s) and send the
- matches to the desired output. A little time can be saved by selecting the
- file that is in memory first. When output to "Drive 8" is used, make a
- note of the total matches found. If there are more than 1000, the file
- will have to be split with the File Utility Program. Holding ESCAPE during
- search will exit to the Main Menu.
- CONFIGURE FILE (also see File Description)
- This option is used to delete a file, or set-up and change file names,
- headings, or field lengths. Open slots in the "Configure" menu are
- represented by a dash. Selecting a dash (-) goes directly into the
- defining of the file name, field lengths, and headings.
- Deleting a file:
- Select "Configure"...then the files to be deleted. Files that are to
- be deleted do not have to be memory resident.
- Note: The delete option is non-recoverable unless you have a restore file
- program such as the 1571 DOS Shell.
- Renaming a file / Changing a heading:
- If the file already exists, it must be loaded into the computer before
- changes can be made, since the headings and field lengths reside in the
- file.
- To rename a file, select the file from the configure menu. Next select
- "Change". After you have typed in the new file name a "Rename Only?...y/n"
- will appear. If you select "y", the file will be renamed and the routine
- exits to the main menu.
- To make changes to headings or field lengths, answer "n" to the "Rename
- Only?...y/n" prompt. The field lengths and headings for fields 1-5 will
- come up in order. Pressing "RETURN" will keep the current setting.
- When all changes are made, the file is saved back to the data disk.
- The procedure is the same as Change. Keep in mind the data that is
- already stored in each field. If you make a field's length shorter than
- the data in the existing field, the format of the screen or printout will
- be wrong. The data will not be lost, and putting the configuration back
- will restore the format.
- The first ten file names on the data disk are read into the "Select File"
- menu. Use CRSR UP/DOWN to highlight the file and press RETURN. The file
- selected will be loaded. Before the load is started, the program does a
- little house-keeping from the previous file when the prompt "Resetting
- Memory" is on the screen. If there are fewer than ten files on the data
- disk, dashes (-) in the menu indicate additional files can be created with
- the "Configure" option.
- Note: If the previous file has been changed, the "Data Changed" warning
- will remind you to save the old file before selecting a new file.
- With this option you can exit the program to BASIC or load the Cataloger
- section. A "Data Changed" warning will remind you to save the file if it
- has been changed. This can be done by answering "y" to the "Resave...y/n"
- prompt.
- (Documentation continued in Part Two)